Hi all,

I've got this machine with a D-Link DFE-530TX NIC in it, and a clean
install of woody. (not much beyond the base system at this point). 
The thing is, Debian doesn't seem happy with the NIC.  Under the
standard installation process I chose the bf24 kernel, and it refused to
configure the network on the grounds that it didn't find any network

But when I stick knoppix in, it happily accesses the network, and lsmod
shows via-rhine and mii modules (one shows as "used by" the other, but I
don't remember which way 'round)...

So I built myself a 2.4.21 kernel (that's the version knoppix was using)
from a Debian source package, built support for the via-rhine right into
the kernel, and (wonder of wonders) my new kernel boots!

Now... eth0 seems to exist, but not actually work...
ifconfig shows the usual bunch of info, except no IP address.

I've put these lines in /etc/networking/interfaces:
  auto eth0
  iface eth0 inet dhcp

I run dhclient and it exits with no complaints.
If I ifdown and ifup eth0 it looks like it's working. Specifically, ifup
says "Setting full-duplex based on MII #1 link partner capability of
The little green light on my router says the connection is there.

But whatever I do I don't get a connection.
Ping to addresses on my LAN including the router itself returns:
  ping: sendto: Network is unreachable
  ping: wrote 64 chars, ret=-1

Ping works.

So I'm thinking that I missed some vital step in the network
configuration, but what?
Or is it actually a failure of the driver?
I've been googling at it and reading manpages all day, but my debug-fu
seems to have failed me on this.

        Thanks for any help
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