One time on Mon, Oct 27, 2003 at 11:44:50AM -0500 this person named Marc Shapiro wrote:
> I am using jpilot, which also defaults to /dev/pilot.  I am in the dialout 
> group and all of the /dev/ttyUSBx device files are set to 660.  I have 
> tried using /dev/ttyUSB0-3 with no success.

Did you symlink them as per my previous instructions?

> My kernel is: 2.4.18-bf2.4

You need a new kernel. You should be able to apt-get install a newer
kernel-image or, if you're a wild kinda guy, build a custom one from
source. The reason is: you need better usb support (as well as a kernel
without known exploits.) 

Important modules that should be shown in lsmod:


And install hotplug. 
None of which I mentioned in my previous email. Sorry :)

> What am I doing wrong?  Am I missing a driver that needs to be loaded?  If 
> so, where do I find it and how do I load it?

You can use modprobe for any of the aforementioned modules. i.e.
modprobe usb-uhci

Follow the rest of the directions in my first email and let me know how
it goes. 

off the chain like a rebellious guanine nucleotide

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