On Jo, 20 feb 14, 20:01:04, Hans wrote:
> Hi list,
> just a simple question: Does debian accept suggestions of new packages, 
> although they are old and orphaned by the original devolper? 
It depends a lot on the package. There are packages that haven't seen 
updates for a few releases and are working just fine. On the other hand 
if the package might be a security risk the Security Team will object to 
its (re)inclusion. This is just an example, there may be other reasons 
to keep the package out of Debian.

Besides, just a suggestion (you probably mean Request for Package, 
a.k.a. RFP) instead of an actual intent (Intent to package, a.k.a. ITP) 
will not do much unless somebody is actually willing to package it and 
upload it to Debian. 

However, don't let this deter you from making a package. Even if it is 
only for you own use in the long run it is probably better and you also 
gain experience in packaging. If you make it available on the internet 
some other people might also find it useful.

Hope this explains,
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