Alan Chandler:
> I am trying to figure out if the dovecot-imapd is able to support
> the imaps protocol

It does, of course.

> all the guides say put the following at the head of
> /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf
> protocols = imap imaps (and pop3 etc but I am not interested in that)

Which Debian/Dovecot version? Current Debian stable (wheezy) ships
Dovecot 2.1 with a split configuration file in /etc/dovecot/conf.d/. You
can configure general SSL support in 10-ssl.conf.

> However the debian packaging puts instead
> !include_try /usr/share/dovecot/protocols.d/*.protocol
> and then allows each debian dovecot-xxxx package to add a file into
> the directory with the .protocol extension if it needs to
> dovecot-imapd adds
> protocols = $protocols imap
> and nothing else.
> So why doesn't it specify imaps.  Am I missing another package which
> does that?

I think you just don't need to add imaps anymore. This should contain
everything you need:

Be sure to use when looking for help on Dovecot 2.x.
The old only applies to 1.x.

I lust after strangers but only date people from the office.
[Agree]   [Disagree]

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