On Mon, Oct 27, 2003 at 11:41:57PM +1100, Brendan J Simon said
> Hi,
> Can anyone recommend a good spam filter for Debian???
> I use Mozilla as my mail client on an Apple PowerBook and also an Intel 
> desktop.

Mozilla includes a bayesian spam filter, doesn't it?

> Are there differences in power and ease of use between all the various 
> spam filters?

Yes, certainly.  

> Which are the most actively used and maintained?

SpamAssassin is actively maintained and used by plenty o' people.

> Which are the most accurate at detecting spam?

This is a good question, and I've never seen a comparison of this.  SA +
some simple procmail rules catches basically all my spam.

I don't know how you could integrate SA into mozilla without setting up
a "proper" Unix mailsystem with procmail et al, though.

Rob Weir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  Do I look like I want a CC?
Words of the day:        electronic surveillance credit card Belknap Janet Reno

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