On Sb, 25 ian 14, 15:25:18, Brian wrote:
> On Sat 25 Jan 2014 at 20:51:46 +0900, Osamu Aoki wrote:
> > I think we are doing our best avoid complications but the canonical
> > place for the recommended way is the Release Notes.  Nothing else.
> > 
> > So as a baseline, process you described is fine.  But Andrei's point is
> > very important.
> Of course it is; good job I quoted from the Notes and gave a link to
> them.

In order to avoid correctionists[1] like myself you would need to do 
this the first time[2] and add some disclaimers about other potential 
pitfalls, etc. at which point it's just easier to say "read the Release 
Notes" ;)

[1] http://xkcd.com/386/
[2] I just reread your post, and I don't think the context was enough to 
imply it applies strictly to the squeeze -> wheezy upgrade

Kind regards,
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