Putting this on list where OP might see it!  It came to me off-list.

On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 11:45 AM, Bob Goldberg <bobg.h...@gmail.com> 

> > Meanwhile i tried other distributions:
> >
> > LinuxMint doesn´t install, freezes somewhere.
> >
> > I have an Gparted CD with somewhat Linux, this starts without a
> > problem into the Linux-GUI.
> A shot in the dark...  How much memory have you got?  It might be
> worth trying DSL .
> https://wiki.debian.org/DamnSmallLinux
while DSL would address memory shortages, I suspect the problem isn't

I would suggest trying a console-only boot, just to see if video might 
the problem.
Use the procedure Robin mentioned, and add following options to the
parameter line before proceeding with boot: (some are redundant, as i 
remember which deb likes)
acpi=off nolapic  fb=off nofb vga=normal (and maybe 1 more)
if you want more technical information about what's happening during 
boot - append this in addition:

if you can't boot in console only mode - then something is really 
if the problem is video - that can be resolved.

HTH - Bob

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