On Tuesday, January 7, 2014 10:46 AM, Darac Marjal <mailingl...@darac.org.uk>
On Tue, Jan 07, 2014 at 07:28:06AM -0800, Dr. Jennifer Nussbaum wrote:
>> Hi, i'm running Wheezy. I used to have an older Android phone that Just
>> Worked with my system, but I upgraded it to one running Android 4.2, and
>> now i can no longer figure out how get it to talk to my computer.
>> Ive Googled and tried to read up about MTP, but im still not sure how to
>> get things working--different sites have you download and compile things
>> from scratch, which seems crazy that you can't just plug your phone in. I
>> did install mtp-tools, but i can't find mtpfs that many of the sites say
>> you need to have.
>MTPFS is only available in Squeeze and Sid.
>Hmm. Maybe I should use this as an excuse to upgrade to Sid. If I do, will
>this Just Work, or will I still have to jump thruogh elaborate tasks to set
>things up?