Andre Marschalek, 23.11.2013:
> installed debian wheezy 7.2 ( and
> additional lxde on a beaglebone black which works everytime as expected as
> long as i connect a pc monitor with a hdmi to dvi adapter to beaglebone's
> hdmi port
> but if i connect the hdmi port to my full hd tv my tv responds no device
> connected (even if i reboot beaglebone afterwards)
> if i than connect my pc monitor instead of the full hd tv (without a reboot
> between) i can see something but its not readable (like a wrong frequency) 
> one important note, beaglebone is not able to provide sound with any
> resolutions over hdmi so i would need to have different settings
> please can you guide me to fix this issue?
> please correct me if this is the wrong list to solve the problem

If you're still having this problem, you could try the debian-arm list.

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