Thanks for your concern!

I have tried to run a woody install CD
no luck

On 1/5/14, Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
> On 1/5/14, Long Wind <> wrote:
>> I am very disappointed with Linux
> ok
>> I have not been able to solve my problem
>> I have go so far as to install lilo, to try various options
>> Is there anyone who can help?
> May be, may be not. We try to help as we can. Have you used Debian
> GNU/Linux before?
>> It seems that I'd better buy another motherboard
>> I feel defeated
> If you have quite older hardware, then you could try older version of
> Debian - download older CD from a few years ago, burn that image to a
> CD, try to install that.
>> I have always think linux can do anything Windows can do
>> This time I might be wrong
>> I still believe the problem might be solved
>> but the cost is too high
> Sometimes the cost is learning or "mounting the learning curve".
> Also, part of the cost is learning how to communicate.
> When you write a problem, and various people make suggestions, it is
> _Your Job_ to try those suggestions, and say what happened, or what
> you don't understand, if you want more help.
> If you want to become GNU/Debian/Linux master, it will take time, not
> overnight instant solution to all problems. Patience grasshopper!
> With Windows (XP for example), have you learned things over the years?
> Which drivers are important to download/ keep copies of, for your
> graphics card for example? Or service packs, so you have a install
> process of various things and steps and configurations, before you
> connect to Internet for first time?
> Debian GNU/Linux is the same - there are things to learn, processes to
> discover and learn.
> In time, you might even be able to help others :)
>> buying another motherboard is shortcut,  to me
> If your patience is low, then yes, this might be a quicker solution.
> BUT WAIT! Don't rush to buy a motherboard - read some of the questions
> from last month on this list; try to buy a non-UEFI motherboard, or be
> prepared for more learning curve!!
> Whatever you do, there is learning!
> Learning is easier when you have patience, of course :)
> Good luck
> Zenaan
> --

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