Bob Goldberg <> wrote:
> trying to determine best solution for an SFTP server.

>   vsftpd appears to be my current best choice

vsftpd is "Very Secure FTP Daemon". It does FTP well (cleartext passwords
notwithstanding). It doesn't do SFTP (file transfer over ssh).

> users must be chroot'ed to /home/chroot/home/<username>.
>   users belong to the chroot group.
>   their home dir down, need all be group owned by chmgr.
>   home dir down; should all be chmod 770(dir)/660(files). so <user> and
> managers (chmgr group) all have rw access to files, and rwx /dirs; with
> other having no rights at all.

> managers ideally chroot'ed to /home/chroot/home.
>   they can access all <username> folders, and transfer files in/out of
> each.
>   they belong to the chmgr group.

Sounds exactly like a job for the Match directive within a standard
sshd_config (openssh-server).


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