On Mon, Dec 23, 2013 at 04:36:24PM -0700, Bob Proulx wrote:
> Gregory Nowak wrote:
> > Bob Proulx wrote:
> > > That is my normal method of sleeping my laptop.  I consider it a
> > > feature.  It sleeps when I tell it to and not just because I closed
> > > the lid.  Allows me to carry my laptop from here to there and open it
> > > and not have it asleep and needing to reconnect and not having killed
> > > my ssh logins.  (And without using screen, autossh or mosh.  Although
> > > connections over the vpn will bridge.)
> > 
> > This begs the question, though not directly related to debian. For
> > those of us with electro-mechanical drives, is it safe to carry the
> > laptop while the hard drive is running? In the old days, moving a
> > running hd was a major no-no.
> Rotating disk drives in a laptop?  How quaint!  :-) (Still using them
> in servers though.  Big SSDs are very expensive.)

They'll be quaint when you can buy 500 GB or 1TB SSDs without selling
the children and leasing out the wife. Yes, I know you said they were
expensive but just how expensive is beyond a lot of peoples reach.

> I think those usually have shock sensors in them.  When they sense
> force they park or otherwise safe the head.  Are there any of those
> with spinning media still being produced?  I thought they have all
> gone to solid state media now.

Guess again.

Bob Holtzman
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