Hi, Unfortunately I am going over my quota every
couple of hours now. So until I find a reasonable
solution, and it's definately not Yahoo, ( I can't
even contact them) it will be adios for awhile. I have
tried many things with my video card problem,
including installing ncurses and running make
menuconfig, which worked but alas the nvidia driver
could still not be installed. This is not a criticism.
Why is video card setup so "tricky" on my machine with
debian stable? Anyway thanks and well wishes to all.

--- Pigeon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sat, Oct 25, 2003 at 10:28:57AM -0500, Thomas H.
> George wrote:
> > Twice in the past few weeks my subscription to 
> the debian-user list has 
> > been unsubscribed though I never sent or wanted to
> send an unsubscribe 
> > message.
> > 
> > The problem may relate to the deluge of MS mail
> bombs.  Originally my 
> > subscription was to my second mailbox which was
> georgeacct.  When the 
> > deluge of MS mail bombs started and my debian-user
> subscription was 
> > dropped I contacted my IPS and asked that
> georgeacct be closed and a new 
> > mailbox xyz be opened (not very imaginative but I
> was in a hurry).  I 
> > then subscribed to the debian-user list from the
> new mailbox.  This did 
> > not stop the deluge of MS mail bombs so I
> installed mailfilter, got a 
> > good mailfilterrc for MS mail bombs from a posting
> by Pigeon on the 
> > debian-user list and started using it to filter my
> mailboxes.  This 
> > works beautifully but again my subscription to the
> debian-user list has 
> > been dropped.
> > 
> > I will resubscribe for the xyz mailbox this
> morning.  If you know of any 
> > other preventative measures I should taked, please
> let me know.
> It could be that your mailbox is going over quota in
> between
> swen-deletions, and the resulting bounces are
> causing you to be
> automatically unsubscribed from the list. There
> doesn't unfortunately
> seem to be any reasonabe solution apart from running
> mailfilter at
> more frequent intervals.
> I tried emailing my ISP suggesting they block the
> "star offender"
> viruses like swen and sobig at SMTP time, pointing
> out that this might
> also help stop the complaints they've been getting
> lately about their
> POP3 server being slow, but they didn't bother to
> answer... bit
> surprising actually, as their technical department
> seems to be less
> mickey-mouse than most of the mickey-mouse
> M$-fixated metered dialup
> ISPs in the UK.
> They use exim 4.10... anyone got an exim.conf rule
> for 4.10 to block
> swen at SMTP time, so I can send them a prepackaged
> solution - "Read
> this line, you can see it's not malignant, stick it
> in your exim.conf
> and make lots of people very happy" - so they have
> no excuse? :-)
> -- 
> Pigeon
> Be kind to pigeons
> Get my GPG key here:

> ATTACHMENT part 2 application/pgp-signature 

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