On Fri, 24 Oct 2003 at 20:54 GMT, David Jardine penned:
> On Fri, Oct 24, 2003 at 12:11:49PM -0700, Erik Steffl wrote:
>>   english is like lego, yes there are some pieces that change shape
>>   etc. but it consists mostly of bricks and brick like pieces. german
>>   (and lot of other languages) is more like putty - you mold things
>>   together.  the lego-like structure of english makes it easier to
>>   create a computer language...
> But what the hell is English about the syntax of, for example,
>    if(isRed(the_fork))  ?
> It sounds more like Italian to me.
> David

How's this?

if (theFork.isColored(RED))

OO to the rescue =P

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