On 11/12/13, Ralf Mardorf <ralf.mard...@alice-dsl.net> wrote:
> On Tue, 2013-11-12 at 10:19 +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
>> On 11/12/13, David F <deb...@meta-dynamic.com> wrote:
>> > On 11/10/2013 10:17 AM, thomas aylward wrote:
>> >> how does a novice begin with debian?  Tom
>> > The reason why I bring this up is that when a user tries to switch from
>> > a
>> > proprietary OS to a free OS, the switching of the core operating system
>> > is
>> > likely nearly invisible to them; but they often are also switching many
>> > of
>> > the applications that they use every day, and this is where it becomes
>> > such
>> > a difficult transition and a steep learning curve.
>> >
>> > But, some (many?) of these free software applications can also run on
>> > proprietary OSs (2).  So, my advice to a novice who is using a
>> > proprietary
>> > OS and wants to begin with Debian, or any other free OS, is to start by
>> > using free software on their proprietary OS.
>> ACK
>> Double ACK
>> Very good suggestion here. I've made the same suggestion more times
>> than I can count, and re specific software in most cases (adding "the
>> more free/libre software you are using, the easier it is to jump away
>> from PROPRIETARY_OS), eg audacity, firefox, thunderbird, libreoffice,
>> gimp, truecrypt and a long list more of course.
> It's complete nonsense.

Hi Ralph :)

If fish, catch want you, subtlety yours improved needs be...

> The listed software is software a Windows user
> should use for those tasks, but it doesn't help to migrate from Linux to
> Windows.

O'contrare, the listed softwares is will yes definitely help
to migrate from Linux to Windows.

> The essential difference is what's under that GUI layer, so maybe Cygwin
> is what a Windows user should install,

Complete nonsense will help them to migrate away from it, but not to use it.

> assumed it will run on the users

I'm not sure about this...

> Everybody who belongs to that user group should make a psycho therapy,

perhaps... but let's not go there.

> Install a Linux and call it Windows 2014 - super professional special
> admin edition and this kind of user will have no issue, call it Linux
> and they will ask you to remove it and reinstall Windows again.

I agree :)

This is a good point. Marketing can be quite important to perceptions.
Depends on the person - more likely important to those in
psychotherapy-needing group, but others too, I agree.


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