On Vi, 18 oct 13, 11:21:58, Jean-Marc wrote:
> Hi the list,
> The partition table of my USB-key has gone and I got some read-error
> messages.
> I recovered the files stored on it using photorec but it is a little
> bit a raw-recover splitted into generic directories with generic
> names.
> I tried then testdisk but, except the fact that testdisk told me the
> key is almost full, it cannot get anything back, no part table, no
> backup.
> I will make a raw copy using dd to keep a backup.
> But afterward, I do not know what to do (I still have no time to
> search for a solution).
> The only thing coming n mind is to recreate a new part table.
> Any idea, suggestion, commands+parms are welcome.

What problem are you trying to solve?

1. Making the USB-key usable again

Well, reformatting might do it, maybe preceded by a

dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/your_device_name

but I wouldn't trust it with any important files.

2. Making sense out of the recovered files

'file' might be able to help...

Kind regards,
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