On Tue, 22 Oct 2013 13:15:34 +0200
Ralf Mardorf <ralf.mard...@alice-dsl.net> wrote:

> On Tue, 2013-10-22 at 12:08 +0100, Sharon Kimble wrote:
> > I've got this rather weird problem atm, in that if I mouse-over
> > something it is picked up by the mouse! I can mouse-over text and
> > it is immediately highlighted! How can I [a] stop this, and/or
> > [b]re-calibrate the mouse to get rid of this behaviour. Its
> > developed overnight for some reason, and has even survived
> > rebooting. I'm not aware of doing anything to provoke/create this
> > weird behaviour, but its really winding me up! Can anyone suggest
> > some solutions please?
> Did you ensure that the mouse isn't broken?
Nothing changed overnight to cause it to break, it just sat here doing

I've just discovered that its moving folders about and putting them in
not-required places, which has disrupted my backups till corrected. 

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