On Thu, 3 Oct 2013, Curt wrote:

Nobody can know (at least I don't think so) how the file might have
"disappeared" (if indeed that is the case) as you give little pertinent
Latex can't find it, but can you?

 hi Curt,
 what do  you mean by pertinent "info"?
 Until July 17(which is the last time I ran latex), the file eurosans.sty
 was present, and on September 30, it was missing.
 Of course I tried to find it on my discs ("locate eurosans" being the
 best tool for that) otherwise I wouldn't have to download it from CTAN.

curty@einstein:~$ locate eurosans >

  my tree for the texlive-fonts-recommended package  is slightly different:
     but it contains no eurosans directory.
  I am on Wheezy since more than 1 year, and the texlive-latex-recommended
  version is 2012.20120611-5

curty@einstein:~$ apt-cache search eurosans texlive-fonts-recommended - TeX Live: Recommended fonts

  it seems that you don't have the same version as me:
  are you on wheezy?

==> apt-cache show texlive-latex-recommended
 This package includes the following CTAN packages:
  anysize -- A simple package to set up document margins.
  booktabs -- Publication quality tables in LaTeX
  caption -- Customising captions in floating environments.
  cite -- Improved citation handling in LaTeX.
  cmap --
  crop -- Support for cropmarks.
  ctable -- Easily typeset centered tables.
  ec -- Computer modern fonts in T1 and TS1 encodings.
  eso-pic -- Add picture commands (or backgrounds) to every page.
  euler -- Use AMS Euler fonts for math.
  extsizes -- Extend the standard classes' size options.
  fancybox -- Variants of \fbox and other games with boxes.
  fancyref -- A LaTeX package for fancy cross-referencing.
  fancyvrb -- Sophisticated verbatim text.
  float -- Improved interface for floating objects.
  fontspec -- Advanced font selection in XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX.
  fp -- Fixed point arithmetic.
  index -- Extended index for LaTeX including multiple indexes.
  jknapltx -- Miscellaneous packages by Joerg Knappen.
  koma-script -- A bundle of versatile classes and packages
  l3kernel -- LaTeX3 programming conventions.
  l3packages -- High-level LaTeX3 concepts.
  l3experimental -- Experimental LaTeX3 concepts.
  listings -- Typeset source code listings using LaTeX.
  mdwtools -- Miscellaneous tools by Mark Wooding.
  memoir -- Typeset fiction, non-fiction and mathematical books.
  metalogo -- Extended TeX logo macros.
  mh -- The MH bundle
  microtype -- An interface to the micro-typographic features of pdfTeX.
  ms -- Various LaTeX packages by Martin Schroder.
  ntgclass -- "European" versions of standard classes.
  parskip -- Layout with zero \parindent, non-zero \parskip.
  pdfpages -- Include PDF documents in LaTeX.
  powerdot -- A presentation class.
  psfrag -- Replace strings in encapsulated PostScript figures.
  rcs -- Use RCS (revision control system) tags in LaTeX documents.
  rotating -- Rotation tools, including rotated full-page floats.
  sansmath -- Maths in a sans font.
  section -- Modifying section commands in LaTeX.
  seminar -- Make overhead slides.
  sepnum -- Print numbers in a "friendly" format.
  setspace -- Set space between lines.
  subfig -- Figures broken into subfigures
  textcase -- Case conversion ignoring mathematics, etc.
  thumbpdf -- Thumbnails for pdfTeX and dvips/ps2pdf.
  typehtml -- Typeset HTML directly from LaTeX.
  underscore -- Control the behaviour of "_" in text.
  url -- Verbatim with URL-sensitive line breaks.
  xkeyval -- Extension of the keyval package.

best regards,
Pierre Frenkiel

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