Jerry Stuckle wrote:
> Bob Proulx wrote:
> >Jerry Stuckle wrote:
> >>Bob Proulx wrote:
> >>>   $ echo ip a | wc -c
> >>>   5
> >>
> >>You're counting an extra space which is not required.
> >
> >What extra space?  The one between "ip" and "a"?  That isn't extra.
> >It is a required keystroke.  It does not work without it.
> Please show me how the characters string "ip a" comes out to 5
> characters.  I count 4.

Did you forget the Enter key?

 1  i
 2  p
 4  a

Any number of keys less than that number doesn't produce a useful result.

> >But even though I counted them out I don't think this is golf.  The
> >shortest number of keystrokes is not a very useful measure to the
> >touch typist.
> But not everyone is a touch typist, either.  There are a lot of
> "poke and hope" people out there.

Then you would like the route dump then too.

  ip r

Which is the short abbreviation for:

  ip route show

Which is the information previously available from:

  netstat -nr
  route -n

OT Rant: It annoys me that recent Linux kernels reverse the order of
the route lines.  Previously it would have been scanned from top to
bottom and the first line matching wins.  But now it is upside down
and must be scanned from bottom to top.  Grr...


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