On 9/15/13, Zenaan Harkness <z...@freedbms.net> wrote:
> On 9/15/13, Randy Kramer <rhkra...@gmail.com> wrote:
> ... email intermittent on 36-48hr boundary ...
>> update is to say that I've switched back to a static IP address on the
>> computer in question (instead of a dynamic address) and the problem is
>> "under control".
>> By that, I mean that, it seems the problem still occurs (I'm sending a
>> test
>> email every 10 minutes and thus can recognize when a failure occurs), but
>> it
>> seems that, with a static address, the problem sort of "self
>> corrects"--that
> Your problem is indeed intriguing.
> I in recent days discovered something possibly of note for you, but
> probably not - I've been using mail.google.com in firefox, and would
> swap between two different computers in my house, which would work,
> then one day it stopped working, as in, I'd use email on one computer,
> then email would not work on the other computer. I was proxying
> through a vpn though, to another computer on a different external IP
> address, and after some time I figured this out. It seems google uses
> some server cookie binding client login to ip address (which in
> hindsight is a sensible security choice), and that if I had have
> logged out of gmail on first IP address/pc, then logged in on
> laternate ip/pc, then google probably would have been ok with that.

And the obvious possibility I had intended to but forgot to suggest -
- were you checking your external (public facing) ip address
dynamically assigned to you by the isp? As in, perhaps it was DHCP
with a 36 hour timeout, and instead of existing address being renewed
a new address instead was being assigned (a bit dodgy but possible),
and that for some reason your login on google on the google side had a
problem with this.

You see Google makes some assumptions, and may be prefers people use
web gmail over pop/imap. You said other google things were not
working, so perhaps we are homing in on the culprit of your problem.

Good luck

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