Joel Rees wrote:
> Maybe I need to file a feature request (for my own satisfaction, even
> if it gets rejected).
> What I lean towards is providing the installing user
> (1) the opportunity to set the root password,
> (2) the opportunity to set a separate admin account and password
> (member of sudo group on debian),
> and (3) the opportunity to set a separate non-admin work account and password.

I know you would like the installer to do exactly what your custom
strategy is for your system.  But that is difficult.  There are many
custom strategies.  For example I have my own things that I always
customize when setting up a new system.  Other people have other
strategies.  It is impossible to be the Univerial Operating System and
make everyone happy.  At least not all at the same time.  If you
target one particular strategy to the point of *exclusion* of others
then the others are *NOT* happy.

The best thing that the debian-installer can do is be a bootstrap tool
that gets things going.  It can be the lowest common denominator tool
that starts the system off.  After the system is installed then you as
the administrator can customize it for your purposes.  That is a good

What is even better is that if you desire you can customize the
debian-installer to create your strategy at install time.  I do this.
Works great.  However if you are only doing this once or twice it
isn't work the effort.  I set up a PXE boot and post-install
customization scripts.  All of my customization goes into those
scripts.  It is automated.  But it needed me to write the scripts to
be there.  If you are only installing once or twice then it isn't work
the effort to set up.  Then it is easier just to do what you want

In your case install using the debian-installer.  Set up a root
password.  Set up the user.  All as guided by the debian-installer.
Then after installation log in as root and create your administrator
user.  Assign them to the sudo group.

  # adduser admin
  # addgroup admin sudo

And with that you will have your desired strategy all set up and
running.  Easy!


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