On Lu, 01 iul 13, 09:19:31, Joel Rees wrote:
> Short story: upgraded squeeze to wheezy, kernel did not. But OS seems to
> run, so I'm using synaptic to install the kernel. (I know I should use
> apt-cache and apt-get, but I'm lazy and trying to do some other work that
> needs to be done today.)
> Wondering why, wondering how big a hole-in-my-foot I'm going to end up
> with. We'll see. Wondering if this has happened to anyone else.
> Comments?


1. Since the kernel packages have different names they are not upgrades 
in the sense of the package manager (like installing package foo version 
1.2.3 to upgrade from foo version 0.1.2 is).

If you want/need this to be handled by the package manager have a look 
at the linux-image-<flavour> packages.

2. The method of installing is irrelevant, the kernel will not be used 
until you reboot anyway ;)

You should only avoid synaptic when the upgrade may involve parts of 
your GUI infrastructure (*dm, DE/WM, etc.), otherwise I'm sure it might 
be a viable alternative for the dist-upgrade.

Kind regards,
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