On Vi, 14 iun 13, 17:46:52, John Tate wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 13, 2013 at 5:54 AM, Andrei POPESCU
> <andreimpope...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > On Mi, 12 iun 13, 01:34:50, John Tate wrote:
> >> Are they the latest? I am considering trying them. I will have to make the 
> >> time.
> >
> > Why does it matter?
> The later ones tend to perform better from what I've heard.

I remember seeing benchmarks comparing driver versions on different 
chipsets. It was quite interesting to see that while newer chipsets 
performed better with the newer drivers older chipsets were slower.

Personally I wouldn't worry about this unless you need to squeeze every 
little bit of performance your card is capable of. For regular usage I 
doubt you would feel the difference.

Kind regards,
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