Joe Riel grabbed a keyboard and wrote:
> Following an upgrade to Wheezy, my Lenovo Y560p laptop
> showed 80% cpu usage on one core.  This was due to 
> constant interrupts on gpe18, see,
> I can stop this by executing
> sudo echo disable > /sys/firmware/acpi/interrupts/gpe18
> I'd like to have that executed at reboot.  To do so,
> I added the following cron file:
> # /etc/cron.d/30-disable-gpe18
> @reboot root echo disable > /sys/firmware/acpi/interrupts/gpe18
> Alas, that does not work.  I've verified that the line is executed,
> however, the interrupt is not disabled.  Any ideas why that would
> be the case?  

Possibly a timing issue?  Maybe the disable command you're running takes
effect *before* it's actually active, so it ends up running anyway?
(I.E., it goes active after you've tried to disable it.)

Try moving the command to /etc/rc.local (which runs after all the other
init stuff has completed), and see if that helps.  The things in
rc.local run as root as part of the startup, so you won't need the sudo.


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