Am Donnerstag, 9. Mai 2013 schrieb Brad Rogers:
> On Thu, 9 May 2013 21:12:07 +0200
> "Hans-J. Ullrich" <> wrote:
> Hello Hans-J.,
> >Googleeartg will not run without 32-bit accelerator drivers. If you use
> Good point;  I'd forgotten that.
> >Nvidia-graphic cards, you should nor use debian packages. They will nt
> >work. It is a bug!
> Is that recent?  As I used to use the Debian installed nvidia DKMS
> drivers without problem when I installed googleearth.
Yes, sadly it is. Seems no one cared for this till then. It looks like a 
problem with libxvmc1, which is needed for 32-bit acceleration. 

But, installing this lib will deinstall several other applications, which is 
surely not wanted. It is just a dependency problem. 

I believe, there is a bugreport related to this, but it is months old.

The best way is just to install the friver with the script from the nvidia 
site. Works like a charm.


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