Valaki Valahol wrote:
> I am interesting that on page I have seen that the new
> distro contains more then 37000 packages, but I have seen that on
> the DVD image download page I can download only 3 DVD ISO
> images... How can that be ?

All of the DVDs images are available.  It is only that Debian is not
hosting them as iso images on their download site.  There are 10 DVD
images for amd64 for example.  All are available if you want them.
But only the most common first three are hosted on the Debian mirror.

But only a very unusually rare number of people will need any of the
higher numbered DVD images.  I assume this is an academic question of
yours as to why the images are not available?  It is very unusual to
need those images.

It is a problem of mirror site disk space and bandwidth.  Mirror sites
do not have infinite disk space nor infinite bandwidth.  There is a
cost to everything.  At some point there isn't enough space nor
bandwidth nor the associated actual cost of hosting them.  Mirrors
would stop hosting Debian if it grew without bounds.

Therefore compromises must be made.  The very little used images are
not hosted.  It is very unusual for anyone to need or to use those
images.  However they are available and you can create them for
yourself very easily.

> I have never used jigdo before and it seems much more difficult to me
> then simply downloading it from http of ftp... 

If you desire any or all of the 10 DVD set for amd64 then they are
available for very easy creation using jigdo-lite.  Here is an
example.  This is not much more difficult.  This is very easy.

  # apt-get install jigdo-file

  $ mkdir jigdo-stuff
  $ cd jigdo-stuff
  $ jigdo-lite --noask
  ...lots of output and some minutes of time...
  OK: Checksums match, image is good!

  $ ls -ldog debian-7.0.0-amd64-DVD-1.iso
  -rw-rw-r-- 1 3998007296 May  8 12:39 debian-7.0.0-amd64-DVD-1.iso

Very easy!  I did the above as I wrote this response to verify that
the process was exactly as I cut and pasted it.  (I also needed to
make a disk image for my own purposes so it was convenient to do.)

The amount of time to download the DVD will depend upon the speed of
your network connection.  It could take a while!  But that would also
be true of a full image.  Jigo caches the files in process and so may
be restarted efficiently if it is stopped and started again.

> Can I find it somewhere in these formats, not in jigdo format ?

I hope that many vendors will make the full set of DVDs available.
But it is very soon since the release.  Vendors will need time to get
set up for physical production and distribution of media.

As to your questions about 6.0.7 I see things have moved after the
release of 7.0.  I will look and see what I can find about where it
moved to.  It may be betwixt and between for the moment.


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