Haim Ashkenazi wrote:
> Joel Konkle-Parker wrote:
> > I want to set up a development environment identical to that of my
> > webhost, which means I need to install Apache 1.3.27, PHP 4.3.1, and
> > MySQL 3.23.42, none of which are included by default in Woody.
> If you want to do it for testing reasons, I suggest you install exactly the
> same distribution (if you can get the one from your webhost). these
> packages could have been compiled with different features etc...

A very good suggestion.  But let me qualify the wording into something
that I would recommend.  Depending upon the type of testing you are
doing you can still run on Debian even if that is different than your
webhost.  I personally would not feel the need to run a completely
different distribution.

But installing the same software of the list that you mentioned as
your webhost is running for those particular applications if you are
developing and testing for that configuration is a good suggestion.  I
would do it in a chroot environment.  That way you don't munge up your
regular system and can be free to do more radical hacks.

For reference, here is Colin Walters' nice chroot guide.



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