Hi, Our Linux servers have no users configured except for the default first use besides root. These servers provide a service and do not require users to log on to the machine. Of course root cannot login via ssh and that is no problem. A simple su - is enough to make myself root after that and perform the necessary tasks. But...
I sometimes need to copy some files from the server to my machine and want to use scp but... as my default user I do not have access to the files that I just have been able to access as root. So I need to: - cp the file to the /home/username directory. - make sure the filesystem rights are proper for the user to access the them Then I can scp as the user to the server and get the file. And of course in reverse order if I want to place a file on the system. Is there a better way or is that the way it needs to be done? Bonno Bloksma