On Tue, Mar 05, 2013 at 01:01:45PM +0100, A wrote:
> Hi there,
> I've been trying to make *unattended-upgrades* working on Wheezy with no
> success so far.
> The steps I have followed are:
>  - Install *unattended-upgrades*
>  - Enable it
>         sudo dpkg-reconfigure -plow unattended-upgrades
>  - Uncomment the following lines in
> */etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50unattended-upgrades*
>         "o=Debian,n=wheezy";
>         "o=Debian,n=wheezy-updates";
>         "o=Debian,n=wheezy-proposed-updates";
>         "o=Debian,n=wheezy,l=Debian-Security";
>  - Wait two days
> It's supposed to run every day, but it did nothing by the time. I've
> checked its logs at */var/log/unattended-upgrades/* and apt history log at
> */var/log/apt/history.log* but nothing happened there since the
> installation.
> Is there any step I am missing to enable it? After reading the doc under
> */usr/share/doc/unattended-upgrades/README*, I think that the above are the
> only ones you have to follow to get it running.
> By the way, I use to shut down this box every night and turn it on again in
> the morning, so I installed *anacron* to prevent *cron* from missing its
> *cron.daily* jobs if the machine is off.
> Thanks in advance for your support.

From the package's file list¹, I see there's a service script:


is it running and configured to be run on boot?

¹ http://packages.debian.org/wheezy/all/unattended-upgrades/filelist

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