Miles, you are not helping. Kindly stop contributing to this thread.
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Miles is trying to help, as we all are.  I don't know what Miles said to
upset you but please remember you are presenting us with a situation and we
in like are responding trying to help you understand your problems so they
can be resolved.  Asking someone that is voluntarily providing assistance
to stop because you don't like how he answered in inappropriate on your

At this point I (and I am sure others on here ) would recommend you do your
research and learn the differences between Windows and Linux and then go
find the documentation you need and follow it.  From my experience, most
issues with Linux can be answered by a Google search of error messages you
are receiving and some time invested in research of the situation.
We would love to help you Mark, but we can't do it for you.  You are going
to have to do your part and invest some time &/ money and then try it
again.  When you run into please feel free to ask questions.  But first and
foremost be nice.

I wish you the best of luck and encourage you to not give up.  I am
confident that once you get it going, and can see the power of Linux, you
will be impressed.  I have been using it for over 6 years now and I am
barely cutting teeth on what it can do.


Shane D. Johnson
IT Administrator
Rasmussen Equipment

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