If your RAID is mdadm based, I would use a live CD and then chroot into
your installed OS. Once in, I would use grub-install /dev/sd? to add the
MBR info to the mirror.  Once you are back up and running  you can use
mdadm to remove the defective disk and if  desired add a new one to the


On Fri, Mar 1, 2013 at 12:20 PM, Francesco Pietra <>wrote:

> Hi:
> With a raid1 amd64 wheezy, one of the two HDs got broken.
> Unfortunately, I had added grub to sda only, which is just the one
> broken. So that, when it is replaced with a fresh HD, the OS is not
> found. Inverting the SATA cables of course does not help (Operative
> System Not Found). In a previous similar circumstance, I was lucky
> that the broken HD was the one without gru.
> Is any way to recover? perhaps through Knoppix? I know how to look
> into undamaged RAID1 with Knoppix.
> Also, when making a fresh RAID1 from scratch, where to find a Debian
> description  of how to make both sda and sdb bootable? (which should
> be included by default, in my opinion)
> Thanks
> francesco pietra
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Shane D. Johnson
IT Administrator
Rasmussen Equipment

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