There is a specific method to install to USB.  Please see :

Otherwise, you can use the instructions included here :

To install to a HD.  (There are many different options.)

Please be aware that (to my knowledge) those who respond on this list do so
on a volunteer basis.  Please be pleasant and courteous.

Thank you

On Fri, Mar 1, 2013 at 11:39 AM, Mark Filipak

> Do you want to help?
> If no, stop reading now (I don't need more heckling).
> What I did:
> 1 - Booted Windows.
> 1.1 - Copied the Debian-Gnome Live ISO to an 8-GB USB.
> 1.2 - Shut down Windows.
> 2 - Booted Debian-Gnome from 8-GB USB - success!
> 2.1 - Shut down Debian-Gnome.
> 3 - Booted Windows.
> 3.1 - Copied the Debian-LXDE Live ISO to a 1-GB USB.
> 3.2 - Shut down Windows.
> 4 - Booted Debian-LXDE from 1-GB USB - success!
> 4.1 - Shut down Debian-LXDE.
> - Objective: Install Debian-LXDE to 8-GB USB -
> 5 - Removed hard disk (just to be safe).
> 6 - Booted Debian-LXDE on 1-GB USB.
> 6.1 - Attempted install to 8-GB USB (overwrite Debian-Gnome already on it).
> 6.2 - Install failed!
> 6.3 - My Guess: The 8-GB USB is being automounted.
> 6.9 - Shut down Debian-LXDE.
> 7 - Reinserted hard disk.
> 8 - Booted Windows
> 8.1 - Wiped out existing 8-GB USB partition.
> 8.2 - Shut down Windows.
> 9 - Removed hard disk.
> 10 - Booted Debian-LXDE on 1-GB USB.
> 10.1 - Attempted install to 8-GB USB (should have no existing partitions).
> 10.2 - Install failed!
> 10.3 - Confirmed: Debian-LXDE automounted the existing 8-GB USB - NO
> 10.4 - Unmounted the 8-GB USB.
> 10.5 - Attempted install to the 8-GB USB.
> 10.6 - Install failed!
> 10.7 - Tried to mount 8-GB USB (test).
> 10.8 - "Error mounting: mount: wrongfs type, bad option, bad Superblock on
> /dev/sdb2. Missing codepage or helper program, or other error. In some
> cases useful info is found in syslog - try dmesg | tail or so." - WTF!
> 10.9 - Shut down Debian-LXDE.
> 11 - Reinserted my hard disk.
> 12 - Booted Windows
> 12.1 - Created a single, FAT-32 partition on 8-GB USB.
> 12.2 - Shut down Windows.
> 13 - Removed hard disk.
> 14 - Booted Debian-LXDE on 1-GB USB.
> 14.1 - Created 2.5-GB /, 0.5-GB swap, and 5.0-GB /windows (FAT-32).
> 14.2 - Attempted install to the 8-GB USB (newly partitioned).
> 14.3 - Install succeeded!
> 14.4 - Automatic GRUB install failed!
> 14.5 - Attempted to install LILO.
> 14.6 - LILO  install failed!
> Okay, what went wrong:
> Automounting got in the way.
> Installer did not unmount the filesystems on the target drive.
> Automounting got fooled by erased partition.
> Mount error message too cryptic - too generic (does not tell what actually
> happened).
> GRUB & LILO install failures unexplained - no help.
> Any/all help appreciated except from Lisi Reisz.
> Ciao - Mark.
> --
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Shane D. Johnson
IT Administrator
Rasmussen Equipment

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