On Sat, Oct 18, 2003 at 03:24:42AM -0400, ThanhVu Nguyen wrote:
> My SA setting blocks most of the spam mails but it doesn't/can't stop
> these MS mails, no matter how many MS examples I try to feed to it to
> learn.  Anyone has any hint / howto's ?  

I found that SA didn't start filtering out the Swen mails until I gave
it enough non-Swen mails (i.e. ham) to trigger the Bayesian filtering.
Once I gave it some good emails that I had saved, SA started working
very nicely for me (it mainly misses a few of the autoreplies generated
when someone else receives the virus).


     "Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give 
      thee the desires of thine heart."          Psalms 37:4

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