On Thu, Feb 7, 2013 at 6:52 PM, Bob Proulx <b...@proulx.com> wrote:

> Shane Johnson wrote:
> > Sam Martin wrote:
> > >>
> ...174 lines snipped...
> It would be super awesome if you would trim the previously quoted
> material to just the parts you are responding to before mailing.  Thanks.
> Sorry about that - will do from now on.

> > From my experience you have to manually put it in there.  Going from
> > memory, I believe that *mdadm -E --scan > /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf *should
> do

> The mdadm man page describes the command in the examples section.
>   man mdadm

> I would not use a '>' to truncate and rewrite the file.  Since there
are other things in that file I think it is best to merge the two by
> hand.  The man page documents needing the DEVICE directive for
> example.  But along with it are these that would be lost:
> Thank you for catching that, I thought I had put >> in for append.
 Probably, also why what I read suggested manual manipulation.  Obviously
it's really easy to do > and wipe out a file when you meant >>.

>   Better to write the output
> to a temporary file location and then merge them in by hand.
> Good Suggestion.

Shane D. Johnson
IT Administrator
Rasmussen Equipment

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