Thanks for your suggestion, I'm not sure mpd does what I'm looking
but it seems great for use in another project (some jukebox thing I'm
wanting to have a go at). I will look further into it.
Yes, it's great for jukeboxes, but not only :)
And you know what? I'll try to show you that I'm right and you're wrong
(and simply said that to avoid you to say I'm right without argumenting
Allow me to explain in more detail what obsidianmusic actually is,
Obsidianmusic does not play music in itself, it is actually a buch of
php webpages that connect to an Amarok music database. This gives you
nice view of your library within a web browser, and allows you to
download or listen (depends on configuration, not both) to your
mpd is the music player, but I was speaking about mpd as your current
amarok: as a server.
Clients are, as I said, very varied, because mpd is quite popular.
Well, to be exact, I have never heard about other music player daemon.
That's rare enough for linux world to be quoted, underlined, and
whatever you will want : even window managers are legion for each ways
of doing things (conf via prog language, tiling, stacking.... a legion
for all possibilities)
This actually creates a .m3u file
So, is the objective to build a simple m3u file?
If no, please explain me more....
If yes, so I want to say a few things:
1. you do not need a music player to build m3u files, they are simple
text files with paths in them (hummm.... I want to say that they are
usual linux configuration files but you might be feared). You could
write some scripts usable with ssh. Not very user friendly...
2. mpd is able to build playlists (which usually are using m3u as
extension) but it sounds obvious to me that it generates m3u with
aboslute filenames: you will not have music embedded here. You will need
to have music at same place! (a suggestion: "$man scp". It is anyway the
single one to play on a defined computer... but I've never tried to
start more than one process.... (which does not looks like you needs
You are able to use a client on a different computer that on the server
(with mpd) to control mpd, and let mpd play music on the client
(usually, with a web browser) but it does not looks like what you want,
because the same song is being played by the same computer.
3. using mpd (and a client on the same network) + ssh or ftp could do
what you are needing: mpd client can build the filelist thanks to mpd,
and with ssh, you can downloads related files. I am still unsure about
what you are needing, It might be complex to write by yourself (reading
each linse of a m3u file by script, download them through a ssh and
playinh them) but maybe someone here will know a tool which already does
that, because it does not sounds like a strange use.
3.1. If not, it could be "not so hard to do" -tm- : "simply" use a mpd
client to build playlists and use a ftp/ssh access to download needed
3.2. a little easier, but no idea about how to do: distant connection,
each user login with his name and starts an mpd instance while his
computer receive the music. It *is* doable, I just never tried.
4. I know about no other solutions :D (never needed)
I do not think it helps, but I hope...
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