Richard Owlett wrote:
> Bob Proulx wrote:
> >Richard Owlett wrote:
> >>d-i console-keymaps-at/keymap select us
> >>d-i keyboard-configuration/xkb-keymap select us
> >
> >In Wheezy they changed these to different strings.  It caught me too.
> >See Bug#693493.  In Wheezy instead of "console-keymaps-at/keymap" use
> >"keymap select us".
> >
> >   d-i keymap select us
> >
> >The documentation for Testing Wheezy is:
> >
> >
> As I indicated in my original post, I'm using Squeeze.
> I tried your suggestion to see if Squeeze had the same bug.
> Evidently not.

Sorry.  Because you were having problems with this I assumed you were
using Wheezy.  Because in Squeeze this works fine.  If you are having
a problem in Squeeze then we need to dig deeper.  Because it
definitely works fine there.

How are you trying to preseed the keyboard?

Note that the only two valid places are on the command line as a
kernel boot parameter and in an initrd file.  The keyboard question is
asked very early and those are the only two places that are available
by the time the question needs to be asked.  Putting it in a file to
be loaded later is too late to be used.
  "Setting localization values will only work if you are using initrd
  preseeding. With all other methods the preconfiguration file will
  only be loaded after these questions have been asked."

Even though it says initrd preseeding I think it works okay using
command line parameters too.

> >Are you sure that is an error message and not simply the normal user
> >dialog asking the keyboard question.
> Depends on definition of "error". It has the same format as screens
> presented during a un-preseeded install.

Right.  That isn't an error message.  It is the user interaction
dialog.  The preseed for it isn't happening before it is asked and
therefore it is still asked.

> To me that meant "error" as preseeding should eliminate all
> questions.

No.  Often preseeding is used to only answer some of the questions.
Very usefully it can set the mirror to a fast local mirror for
example.  Or increase a dhcp timeout due to a slow dhcp server.  Just
setting those would leave all of the other questions available.  There
isn't any global setting that says that providing one preseed disables
all interactive dialog.

> I just double checked by running a text mode expert install - that
> screen never appears.

That does seem like a bug that it would ask it normally but not during
the expert install.  I haven't tried to recreate it yet myself.


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