Hi, After running linpack from hpcc debian package, I find some of my computers to have a very different FLOPS as the one related to the old code cited before.
Also, without any hpccinf.txt it is still possible to gather information about your computer. It will be saved in a file named hpccoutf.txt Here (at the end of this email) some results (I cut the file to focus on flops and cpu time) . There is a lot of info. but hard to find documentation on it. $ man hpcc shows: No manual entry for hpcc With so many processors out there, each one installed in a different system with different amount of RAM, kinds of disks (normal, SSD, flash, etc.), a benchmark like linpack came to fill a gap when comparing systems (not only processors). Its also a very important part of the computer history, if you look at the list of old tests, per year. I hope someone can shed a light on this topic. Thanks, Beco. PS. Some parts of the output file: $ cat hpccoutf.txt ######################################################################## This is the DARPA/DOE HPC Challenge Benchmark version 1.4.1 October 2003 Produced by Jack Dongarra and Piotr Luszczek Innovative Computing Laboratory University of Tennessee Knoxville and Oak Ridge National Laboratory [...cut...] Begin of MPIRandomAccess section. Running on 1 processors (PowerofTwo) CPU time used = 2.068129 seconds Begin of StarRandomAccess section. CPU time used = 0.256016 seconds Average GUP/s 0.065661 Begin of SingleRandomAccess section. CPU time used = 0.260016 seconds Single GUP/s 0.064915 Begin of MPIRandomAccess_LCG section. Running on 1 processors (PowerofTwo) CPU time used = 2.132133 seconds Found 0 errors in 4194304 locations (passed). Begin of StarRandomAccess_LCG section. CPU time used = 0.256016 seconds Found 0 errors in 4194304 locations (passed). Average GUP/s 0.064661 Begin of SingleRandomAccess_LCG section. CPU time used = 0.260016 seconds Single GUP/s 0.064008 Begin of PTRANS section. Finished 5 tests, with the following results: 5 tests completed and passed residual checks. 0 tests completed and failed residual checks. 0 tests skipped because of illegal input values. END OF TESTS. End of PTRANS section. Begin of StarDGEMM section. Average Gflop/s 15.281532 Begin of SingleDGEMM section. Single DGEMM Gflop/s 16.926896 Begin of StarSTREAM section. Your clock granularity/precision appears to be 1 microseconds. Each test below will take on the order of 2201 microseconds. (= 2201 clock ticks) ------------------------------------------------------------- Results Comparison: Expected : 2519423615566406144.000000 503884723113281280.000000 671846297484375040.000000 Observed : 2519423615622480384.000000 503884723094127232.000000 671846297499976832.000000 Solution Validates ------------------------------------------------------------- Node(s) with error 0 Average Copy GB/s 10.771604 Average Scale GB/s 11.293547 Average Add GB/s 12.187004 Average Triad GB/s 12.354061 Begin of SingleSTREAM section. Each test below will take on the order of 2207 microseconds. (= 2207 clock ticks) ------------------------------------------------------------- Results Comparison: Expected : 2519423615566406144.000000 503884723113281280.000000 671846297484375040.000000 Observed : 2519423615622480384.000000 503884723094127232.000000 671846297499976832.000000 Solution Validates ------------------------------------------------------------- Single STREAM Copy GB/s 10.874678 Single STREAM Scale GB/s 11.325829 Single STREAM Add GB/s 12.187004 Single STREAM Triad GB/s 12.354061 Begin of MPIFFT section. Gflop/s: 1.463 Begin of StarFFT section. Average Gflop/s 2.549725 Begin of SingleFFT section. Single FFT Gflop/s 2.343712 ================================================================================ HPLinpack 2.0 -- High-Performance Linpack benchmark -- September 10, 2008 Written by A. Petitet and R. Clint Whaley, Innovative Computing Laboratory, UTK Modified by Piotr Luszczek, Innovative Computing Laboratory, UTK Modified by Julien Langou, University of Colorado Denver ================================================================================ ||Ax-b||_oo/(eps*(||A||_oo*||x||_oo+||b||_oo)*N)= 0.0048654 ...... PASSED ================================================================================ Finished 1 tests with the following results: 1 tests completed and passed residual checks, 0 tests completed and failed residual checks, 0 tests skipped because of illegal input values. End of HPL section. Begin of Summary section. VersionMajor=1 VersionMinor=4 VersionMicro=1 VersionRelease=f LANG=C Success=1 sizeof_char=1 sizeof_short=2 sizeof_int=4 sizeof_long=8 sizeof_void_ptr=8 sizeof_size_t=8 sizeof_float=4 sizeof_double=8 sizeof_s64Int=8 sizeof_u64Int=8 sizeof_struct_double_double=16 CommWorldProcs=1 MPI_Wtick=1.000000e-06 HPL_Tflops=0.0132394 HPL_time=0.845557 HPL_eps=1.11022e-16 HPL_RnormI=2.53869e-12 HPL_Anorm1=666.101 HPL_AnormI=663.835 HPL_Xnorm1=1494.04 HPL_XnormI=2.76479 HPL_BnormI=0.499975 HPL_N=2560 HPL_NB=80 HPL_nprow=1 HPL_npcol=1 HPL_depth=1 HPL_nbdiv=2 HPL_nbmin=4 HPL_cpfact=R HPL_crfact=C HPL_ctop=1 HPL_order=C HPL_dMACH_EPS=1.110223e-16 HPL_dMACH_SFMIN=2.225074e-308 HPL_dMACH_BASE=2.000000e+00 HPL_dMACH_PREC=2.220446e-16 HPL_dMACH_MLEN=5.300000e+01 HPL_dMACH_RND=1.000000e+00 HPL_dMACH_EMIN=-1.021000e+03 HPL_dMACH_RMIN=2.225074e-308 HPL_dMACH_EMAX=1.024000e+03 HPL_dMACH_RMAX=1.797693e+308 HPL_sMACH_EPS=5.960464e-08 HPL_sMACH_SFMIN=1.175494e-38 HPL_sMACH_BASE=2.000000e+00 HPL_sMACH_PREC=1.192093e-07 HPL_sMACH_MLEN=2.400000e+01 HPL_sMACH_RND=1.000000e+00 HPL_sMACH_EMIN=-1.250000e+02 HPL_sMACH_RMIN=1.175494e-38 HPL_sMACH_EMAX=1.280000e+02 HPL_sMACH_RMAX=3.402823e+38 dweps=1.110223e-16 sweps=5.960464e-08 HPLMaxProcs=1 HPLMinProcs=1 DGEMM_N=1477 StarDGEMM_Gflops=15.2815 SingleDGEMM_Gflops=16.9269 PTRANS_GBs=0.712858 PTRANS_time=0.0182569 PTRANS_residual=0 PTRANS_n=1280 PTRANS_nb=80 PTRANS_nprow=1 PTRANS_npcol=1 MPIRandomAccess_LCG_N=4194304 MPIRandomAccess_LCG_time=4.33102 MPIRandomAccess_LCG_CheckTime=0.323538 MPIRandomAccess_LCG_Errors=0 MPIRandomAccess_LCG_ErrorsFraction=0 MPIRandomAccess_LCG_ExeUpdates=16777216 MPIRandomAccess_LCG_GUPs=0.00387373 MPIRandomAccess_LCG_TimeBound=-1 MPIRandomAccess_LCG_Algorithm=0 MPIRandomAccess_N=4194304 MPIRandomAccess_time=4.33569 MPIRandomAccess_CheckTime=0.319197 MPIRandomAccess_Errors=0 MPIRandomAccess_ErrorsFraction=0 MPIRandomAccess_ExeUpdates=16777216 MPIRandomAccess_GUPs=0.00386956 MPIRandomAccess_TimeBound=-1 MPIRandomAccess_Algorithm=0 RandomAccess_LCG_N=4194304 StarRandomAccess_LCG_GUPs=0.0646613 SingleRandomAccess_LCG_GUPs=0.0640075 RandomAccess_N=4194304 StarRandomAccess_GUPs=0.0656609 SingleRandomAccess_GUPs=0.0649147 STREAM_VectorSize=2184533 STREAM_Threads=1 StarSTREAM_Copy=10.7716 StarSTREAM_Scale=11.2935 StarSTREAM_Add=12.187 StarSTREAM_Triad=12.3541 SingleSTREAM_Copy=10.8747 SingleSTREAM_Scale=11.3258 SingleSTREAM_Add=12.187 SingleSTREAM_Triad=12.3541 FFT_N=1048576 StarFFT_Gflops=2.54973 SingleFFT_Gflops=2.34371 MPIFFT_N=524288 MPIFFT_Gflops=1.46342 MPIFFT_maxErr=1.39111e-15 MPIFFT_Procs=1 MaxPingPongLatency_usec=-1 RandomlyOrderedRingLatency_usec=-1 MinPingPongBandwidth_GBytes=-1 NaturallyOrderedRingBandwidth_GBytes=-1 RandomlyOrderedRingBandwidth_GBytes=-1 MinPingPongLatency_usec=-1 AvgPingPongLatency_usec=-1 MaxPingPongBandwidth_GBytes=-1 AvgPingPongBandwidth_GBytes=-1 NaturallyOrderedRingLatency_usec=-1 FFTEnblk=16 FFTEnp=8 FFTEl2size=1048576 M_OPENMP=-1 omp_get_num_threads=0 omp_get_max_threads=0 omp_get_num_procs=0 MemProc=64 MemSpec=-1 MemVal=-1 MPIFFT_time0=0 MPIFFT_time1=0.00453091 MPIFFT_time2=0.00598502 MPIFFT_time3=0.00165105 MPIFFT_time4=0.0168791 MPIFFT_time5=0.00342178 MPIFFT_time6=1.19209e-06 CPS_HPCC_FFT_235=0 CPS_HPCC_FFTW_ESTIMATE=0 CPS_HPCC_MEMALLCTR=0 CPS_HPL_USE_GETPROCESSTIMES=0 CPS_RA_SANDIA_NOPT=0 CPS_RA_SANDIA_OPT2=0 CPS_USING_FFTW=0 End of Summary section. ######################################################################## End of HPC Challenge tests. -- Dr Beco A.I. researcher --> . <-- "Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know..." (Carl Sagan, 1934-1996) -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-user-requ...@lists.debian.org with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org Archive: http://lists.debian.org/CALuYw2xeKvLMLw9znvPHS0Riy8xr87BRox=jsqtz9uxffbo...@mail.gmail.com