On Jo, 20 sep 12, 07:18:58, Mark Allums wrote:
> LCD do not refresh in the same sense as CRTs.  They project a
> continuous picture. If a pixel doesn't change, it stays lit.  No
> fading.  OPs problem is not due to refresh, unless it is a CRT.
> His problem is probably due to environmental factors.  E.g. display
> too bright, viewing angle causing neck strain, or eye strain, color
> balance/gamma subtly off, etc.
> You are obsessed with refresh rate, but it's a useless thing to
> focus on, because refresh rate is about flicker, and LCDs don't
> flicker.

I have however seen LCD monitors behave significantly different 
depending on refresh rate. Entire areas were blury, but everything was 
fine when I switched to another refresh rate (60Hz -> 75Hz if I remember 

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