Nelson Green <> writes:

> ----------------------------------------
>> From:
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Dual-Monitor help
>> Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2012 03:16:55 +0200
>> Nelson Green <> writes:
>> > have no choice but to run a GUI of some type. I would like to learn to do 
>> > so
>> > with a minimal footprint if you would be willing to share some tips. I find
>> > my primary use of the GUI is email, the web apps I have to support, and
>> > Guayadeque for my classical music fixes.
>> You could try fvwm and a recent emacs24 with gnus and tmux (or screen)
>> in rxvt. You might be much happier with a tiling window manager like i3
>> (they have a nice video on youtube) rather than fvwm, though.
> I will look into these and report back, but don't be surprised if that doesn't
> happen for a few weeks. I just got handed a brand new server yesterday, to
> install, configure, secure, and maintain.
That sounds like fun :)

>> > all I really need is dual monitors so I can update things in Terminal and
>> > refresh the page in the web browser, and a locking screen saver, for which
>> > xscreensaver works just fine. In fact I wouldn't mind just having TTY1 on
>> > one monitor and the GUI on the other if that is possible.
>> Xscreensaver is fine. You can have two different displays for X sessions
>> (one on each monitor) rather than having one display that goes across
>> both monitors. I haven't tried to have one X display on one monitor and
>> the console on the other --- that should be somehow possible ...
> Actually I'm sure it probably is, but it might take some serious hacking. I 
> will
> definitely report back if I get this one figured out. If you have some 
> pointers
> on different X sessions on different displays I'll take those as well. I 
> might just
> try that one at home for grins.

Sorry, no pointers yet --- I've had two monitors for a couple days only
and didn't experiment much.  I simply used nvidia-settings to enable the
second monitor, and it gave me the option to either use what they call
"twinview" or to make the two monitors two different displays, which
would have required to restart the X-server.  I chose "twinview" and it
just worked fine.  Before I could even get used to it, I had to go back
to a single monitor.  Fvwm works great with either :)

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