Am Samstag, 8. September 2012 schrieb T o n g:
> Hi,
> > Subject: My app-defaults won't work for emacs any more
> > Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2012 01:25:20 +0000 (UTC)
> > 
> > I haven't updated my emacs for quite a while and today when I update
> > it, I notice that the new emacs is not following my app-defaults
> > settings, which has been working for quite a long time.
> The time has come. <rant on> I had always frowned upon how much space
> emacs is hogging my system, and how little I'm actually using it, but
> better the devil you know than the devil you don't, I've been put up
> with it until now, when all my nice settings about it are totally
> lost. <rant off>
> Time to look for an all purpose editor to replace emacs. Last time I
> checked, all editors that based on the engine that notepadd++ is based
> on are not there yet.
> The only thing that emacs has while others don't is its folding more,
> which let you define your own folding tag, and can fold a section on
> and off within a split of second.
> So, any greener yard out there that support folding (hide/show a
> region)?

Should this be an editor that works on text console or terminal emulators 
or can it be a GUI one?

GUI based I like Kate.

But for text console, I have not seen much

> PS. I'm long time emacs user so please don't start with how good vim or
> its alikes are. Please.

that could replace emacs or vim in terms of features.

nano and mcedit are quite simplicistic. Enough for some, granted, but not 
for programming.

And even then a full featured editor that is intuitively to use only with 
text UI. I did not yet found it. Sure vim can have split views and what 
not, but I have to learn a lot of key bindings and stuff. For Kate I just 
use the menu for less often used functions.

But then that likely is possible with emacs I bet. I never tried emacs 
seriosly. I may try it some time, but I´d like it when something like 
vimtutor would be available for it. It would help me to get a feeling of 
whether I like emacs or not more easily I bet.

That said I use text UI based editor mostly for configuration files anyway. 
I do programming in Kate.

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald -
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