Brad Rogers <> writes:

> On Tue, 04 Sep 2012 19:43:21 +0200
> lee <> wrote:
> Hello lee,
>>problem is not the mic. It used to work before I did something with
>>audacious which gave me a warning that it might not be a good idea --- I
>>don't remember what that was. Since then, the mic input of the card is
>>dead and I don't use audacious anymore. Any ideas how to fix this?
> If audacious said it wasn't a good idea, could it be because it was
> possible it would kill the mic i/p of the card?

That's why I don't run audacious anymore. I don't like software that may
take out the hardware just like that. When you could still damage
monitors with the frequencies set too high, you at least knew what might
happen, and they didn't break immediately :)

> It might be possible to find someone that can fault find the card and
> repair it, but it's probably cheaper to simply replace the card.

It's the on-board card, so I would have to replace the whole
mainboard. These on-board "cards" suck anyway ...

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