I have a few machines with Raid 5 with LVM on top.  Here is what I can
share with you.  You must have grub2 installed ( I believe it is default
now but I always specify when installing.)  your ARRAY info from mdadm -D
--scan must be in your /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf file and be accurate.  When I
change something, I make sure /boot/grub/device.map is accurate and up to
date.  I make initrd is up to date. I then run update-grub2.  then I run :
for i in a b c d e (for whatever drives you have); do
 install-grub /dev/sd$(echo $i)

This makes sure the grub image file is installed and updated on whatever
drive is the boot drive.  I have run into problems with DOS compatible
partitions.  To overcome this I don't use DOS compatibility in fdisk
anymore and use sectors for partitioning.

So far works wonderfully and I don't have to have /boot separate.

I have run into one instance where I couldn't boot that I haven't figured
out yet.  It was on a 10 disk array I was hobbling together for a SAN/NAS
but just gave up and put the OS on a separate disk and now it is booting.
Before I put it on the seperate disk, I did discover that some of the disk
where not showing to grub from the grub emergency CL.  I think one or two
of the disk controllers wasn't showing.  Oh and one instance that required
a complete removal and install of grub for it to boot properly.  If you
aren't hacking stuff together much and making a lot of changes, you
shouldn't have a problem.


On Sat, Sep 1, 2012 at 3:58 PM, Mark Allums <m...@allums.com> wrote:

> On 9/1/2012 4:46 PM, Hendrik Boom wrote:
>> On Sat, 01 Sep 2012 16:02:54 -0500, Mark Allums wrote:
>>  On 9/1/2012 3:17 PM, Hendrik Boom wrote:
>>>> Can squeeze boot when / is on an LVM over RAID1?
>>>> Can it boot if /boot is on the LVM over RAID1?
>>>> Or when /boot is on a nonRAID nonLVM partition but / is on an LVM over
>>>> RAID?
>>>> Context:  I have to remove the hard drive my / is on.  The available
>>>> space to move it to is on a RAID drive.
>>>> The disks carrying the RAID also have small nonRAID nonLVM partitions
>>>> that would be big enough for /boot, but not all of /
>>>> -- hendrik
>>> The usual practice is to put everything except /boot on LVM.  /boot can
>>> theoretically go on LVM too, but it's simpler to leave it out/off of
>>> LVM.  /boot can go on RAID, easily, though, and I always put it on a
>>> RAID 1 partition.
>>> So, yes, squeeze can boot with / on LVM, whether over RAID or otherwise.
>>> Mark
>> Thanks.  Will try it in the next few days.  Will also install grub to the
>> MBR of all my disks, so whichever gets picked at boot time will work.
>> Is there an eaasy way to do this, so that they'll all get updated as
>> necessary when aptitude installs a new kernel?  Or it this not something
>> that the MBR cares about?
>> And is th association of, say, /dev/sdb with a particular hard drive
>> consistent if there's no change in hardware, or does it depend on random
>> boot-tine timing issues?
>> - hendrik
> As Tom H mentioned, on standard Squeeze, not partitioned RAID.  Sorry for
> the confusion.
> You should use UUIDs or labels if you wand to reliably always boot or
> mount a particular partition.  The /dev/sdx designations are subject to the
> winds of variability in a system, and it apparently has been deemed
> unnecessary to sort this out, since UUIDs and labels are available.
> Some distributions are smart enough to write the MBR to all disks in a
> RAID 1, and others are not.  I don't recall if Squeeze will or won't, or or
> if Wheezy will, for that matter.  I haven't installed either recently
> enough to need to find out.
> Anybody else know?
> Mark
> --
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Shane D. Johnson
IT Administrator
Rasmussen Equipment

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