Hello all, I need some help fixing the format of some pretty strangely compressed data files. An example would be like this:
2883 452 0 7 1 6 2 4 6 10 7 Parsing rules: The first two lines should be ignored. The first column is the 'index', the second column being the 'counter'. If there is no second number (ex. index=2), then the second number should be set to '1'. If there the index skips (ex. from index=2 to index=4), then the indexes which where skipped should be set to '0' Max index is 1024. That is it. I'd like to be guided to an app (scripting language? awk? sed? I haven't used those so I really don't know where to start) that can help me do that effectively. The command, with the script possibly as the argument, is to be included in a bash script right before a fortran program is executed as the fortran program expects the file to be uncompressed and it doesn't seem intuitive to do it from fortran. Although it would be nice for a guru to let me know how to handle it from within... In the end, any solution would be a great help. Thanks. -- Daniel Jiménez