Am Mittwoch, 29. August 2012 schrieb Yuwen Dai:
> Dear all,
> I downloaded the latest Wheezy AMD64 version DVD iso image, trying to
> install it on a HP notebook with a RTL8169 NIC.  When the installer
> detects network, it hangs.  I could switch to other ttys and open a
> busybox  shell, but it's useless, the installation could not resume
> any more.  I tried a Squeeze  DVD on the same notebook,  the DHCP
> process appeared some difficult, I tried several times,  but at last,
> it got IP address.  Where can I report this bug?

One thing that you may try unless the bug report mentioned by you does not 
yet have this information:

Go to tty4 (Alt-F4) and look for suspicious log messages. You can add to 
the bug report by sending an mail to

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald -
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