On Sat, Aug 11, 2012 at 4:35 PM, maderios <mader...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 08/11/2012 08:30 PM, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
>> The strange thing IMO is, that save and save as are completely the same
>> and we need to use export nowadays.
>  "Save" and "save as" are different
> Save= save the same file (same name) after modifying this file
> Ex1: I open house.png, I change contrast, luminosity then I save it
> I use only one key to do it: "s"
> It takes 1/5 second
> Save as= save this file with another name, another extension
> Ex2: I open house.png, I change contrast, luminosity, I delete some details
> I don't like  with rubber then save it under another name like house-2
> because it's a different version.
> I use only one key to save it under "house-2.png": "u"
> Ex3: I open house.png. I need .xcf version to build a new image with layers,
> etc.
> I use only one key to save it under "house.xcf": "u"
> Very quick and simple....
> For me,  "export" word is useless and confusing. Export to what? To jpeg,
> png, xcf, tiff ? It depends on the file where you start.
> You could start with a jpeg and want to export to .xcf, or the contrary....
> "Save as" function is clear: only one key to use and you change only the
> extension or file name. It's the gimp-2.6 behavior.

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