I wrote 2 programs in C  to read from  a serial port and to write in.

When I used  one machine,  nullmodem ( output and input) the program ran
correcly,  I wrote caracteres then I read them from the same port. ttyS0
for example.

they ran correctly   when I used a machine with 2 serial ports ttyS0 and
ttyS1,  so I send  from one port to another.

When I tried  the same programs   from one machine using   a crossed  cable
( This is what I have to done  the output of one machine is an input for
the other),  it failed  I have to wait very long time, may be for ever !!!!

I remember  I didn't once or twice yesterday,  but after that no connection.
Is there a special configuration, activation  or else ???

(on both machines I am using linuxMint, is there  any relation  with the
distro ??)

thanks a lot

regards bela

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