Hey guys,

After many years, I finally returned to Debian. Now I'm using Debian Wheeze
on my Thinkpad W510 for around 1 week now. The system is updated and it is
being shown as a very stable platform, even though this branch is called
Testing. I have being checking the logs, looking for errors and I found
some that I would like to check if they are already known or if they are
specific to my hardware. Checking the ".xsession-errors" file I found the
following messages:

*Window manager warning: CurrentTime used to choose focus window; focus
window may not be correct.
Window manager warning: Got a request to focus 0x1a00004 (Desktop) with a
timestamp of 0.  This shouldn't happen!*

Searching around Google, I found a similar issues caused by a bug. Do we
have already a bug filled for this? Please let me know if more details are

*(tracker-miner-fs:3990): Tracker-WARNING **: Couldn't properly parse
desktop file 'file:///usr/share/applications/brasero-nautilus.desktop':
'Desktop file doesn't contain type'*

I think this is just a simple mistake in the ".desktop" descriptor. I'll
try to change it and verify if the error persist.

*(gnome-shell:3975): folks-WARNING **: Error preparing persona store
'eds:1341666308.4795.1@davigar-lnx': Couldn't open address book
‘1341666308.4795.1@davigar-lnx’: Cannot open book: Address book does not
** Message: applet now embedded in the notification area
(gnome-shell:3975): folks-WARNING **: Failed to find primary PersonaStore
with type ID 'eds' and ID '1341666308.4795.1@davigar-lnx'.
Individuals will not be linked properly and creating new links between
Personas will not work. The configured primary PersonaStore's backend may
not be installed. If you are unsure, check with your distribution.

*This messages are always shown in the log. It looks like we have a bad
default config. applied. Does anyone know where this configuration is

*(gnome-settings-daemon:3928): PackageKit-WARNING **: couldn't parse
GetDistroUpgrades not supported by backend', please report
(gnome-settings-daemon:3928): updates-plugin-WARNING **: failed to get
GetDistroUpgrades not supported by backend', please report

*Unfortunately I have no idea about these ones. I just doing what they tell
me to do... reporting... =P*

*Thanks in advance!*
Davi Vercillo C. Garcia
 Phone:  +55 (21) 8193-0132v
 Skype:  davivcgarcia
 Web:     http://davigarcia.me

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