On 2012-07-05 10:05, Anthony Campbell wrote: 

> On 04 Jul 2012,
Brad Alexander wrote:
>> On Wed, Jul 4, 2012 at 2:15 AM, Ralf Mardorf
<ralf.mard...@alice-dsl.net [2]> wrote: 
>>> On Wed, 2012-07-04 at
11:19 +0800, lina wrote: 
>>>> Hi, I don't know which firewall
(http://wiki.debian.org/Firewalls [1]) I should choose. Thanks ahead for
recommendation, and it will be very nice if you tell me why you
recommend this one.
>>> To answer drily: Test them and report what
firewall does protect you the best against no attacks. Linux for home
usage was safe, is safe, will be safe. Yes, it's safe regarding to
things I criticize. I don't criticize protection per se, I only worry
about toooo much security for nothing.
>> I disagree. Its about defense
in depth. Because what happens if you get a piece of bad software that
opens a vulnerability? And yes, that could happen to a home Linux user
as easily as a corporate one, since they are using the same update
mechanisms. In fact, I would posit that a home user could be at *more*
risk, since, in theory, a corporate user would be limited in the amount
and types of software installed...Corporate server vs home
> I have a home network. A few years ago I was attacked
and the ownership
> of some files was changed. I restoreed them to
normal and it happened
> again, so I reinstalled. Since then I've been
using sborewall and there
> have been no further intrusions.

Your problem is not a firewall problem. Firewall doesn't mean
IPS/IDS or L7 Filter. Also a firewall must be a netfilter, NAT, routing

Inbound or outbound network traffic and packets are permitted or
blocked/rejected or port forwarding by firewall. 

If there is a
vulnerability on your OS or apps you must use IPS/IDS or L7 filter or
UTM (netfilter + ips + any stuff...) 

Software Developer & System Admin
 * http://www.atifceylan.com

[1] http://wiki.debian.org/Firewalls

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