On 2012-06-10, Marcin Sławiński <mslawinski1...@o2.pl> wrote:

> I got CPU 2.66Ghz (32 bit, one core, 64bit compatyble) and 752MB RAM
> (DDR333, single channel). System boots up in two minutes. Even I don't
> what I should services down to speed up. Even on duo2core with 4GB of
> memory is not working too fast. 1 minute to window login and 1 minute to
> full loaded gnome 3. On XFCE4 it's a little faster. But Ubuntu/Mint are
> very quicker than Debian.

Loading gnome might be directly related to system specs, once the system
is booted, but I would think the booting itself would be more or less
orthogonal to system specs, but maybe I'm wrong.

Yes, I'm probably wrong. ;-)

Of course, I only boot up once a day (there used to be people in the
linux newsgroups exceedingly proud of the fact they hadn't rebooted in
months, otherwise referred to as 'uptime') so I don't really care if it
takes 15 seconds or one and half minutes, to be frank.  Once booted and
the window manager/desktop environment going, if the system is then
lethargic in performing everyday tasks, I agree that is a very serious
impediment to computing happiness.

I've found that my current stable Squeeze machine boots considerably
faster than Lenny on a former machine with similar specs.

The only booting delays I've experienced were network related (borked
network, or inexistant network, where you'd be waiting generally for the
MTA to timeout).

Good luck.

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