On Fri, 25 May 2012 14:46:53 +0200
Slavko <li...@slavino.sk> wrote:

> Hi,
> Dňa Thu, 24 May 2012 23:47:21 -0400 Celejar <cele...@gmail.com> napísal:
> > 
> > Issue 'ssh-keygen -R your_hostname_or_ip_address'
> > 
> perhaps OT, but, please, how i can know for which "names_or_ips" are
> keys stored in known_hosts? They are not in clear text:
> |1|zBsxW5sD94+nlvCxtCXY/WjYONg=|M6w3sl+hXd+VRGkCqye4BvBmkEg= ssh-rsa <snip>

Well, the whole point of the hash is to prevent anyone with access to
the file from learning the hosts / ip addresses, so I imagine that
figuring them out yourself is a non-trivial task. For any name /
address you think might be in there, just do the 'ssh-keygen -R' thing,
and that will remove it if it's indeed there.

> By this thread i did some reflection and i have a lot of items in this
> file. Most of them are old VBox virtual machines, which aren't exists
> anymore.


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